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Index enferm ; 31(2): [100-104], s.f.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-208880


El objetivo principal fue definir el concepto de realidad virtual en el cuidado del adulto mayor. Se utilizó el método de análisis de concepto de Walker y Avant, el cual consiste en ocho pasos: selección del concepto, establecer el objetivo del análisis, identificar los usos del concepto, identificar los atributos, casos modelo, casos adicionales, antecedentes, consecuencias y definir los referentes empíricos. Para el análisis se consultaron definiciones de diccionarios y se realizó una revisión de literatura en las bases de datos de CUIDEN, PubMed, Wiley Online Library, EBSCOHost, SciencieDirect y Scielo. De acuerdo con el análisis, el concepto hace referencia al uso de imágenes creadas por computadora, utilizadas para evaluar, mejorar y conservar la capacidad física, mental y social en personas de edad avanzada. Por lo que las enfermeras deben aprovechar los recursos tecnológicos para realizar su labor de forma eficiente, efectiva y en menor tiempo.(AU)

The main objective was to define the concept of virtual reality in the care of the elderly. The Walker and Avant concept analysis method was used, which consists of eight steps; Selection of the concept, establish the objective of the analysis, identify the uses of the concept, identify the attributes, model cases, additional cases, antecedents, consequences and define the empirical references. Dictionary definitions were consulted for the analysis and a literature review was carried out in the CUIDEN, PubMed, Wiley Online Library, EBSCOHost, SciencieDirect and Scielo databases. According to the analysis, the concept refers to the use of computer-created images, used to assess, improve and preserve physical, mental and social capacity in elderly people. Therefore, Nursing must take advantage of technological resources to carry out its work efficiently, effectively and in less time.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Realidade Virtual , Saúde do Idoso , Assistência a Idosos , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Enfermagem , Dicionários Clássicos como Assunto , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas
Hist Psychol ; 15(1): 50-71, 2012 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22530378


How do particular words come to be part of the vocabulary of Anglophone psychology? The present study sampled 600 words with psychological senses from the Oxford English Dictionary, which not only gives the number of senses for each word but also the date and author for the earliest known occurrence of each sense. Analogous information for the same words was taken from PsycINFO. One can distinguish between words for which their psychological sense is the first to occur in the history of the written language (primary psychological words) and words for which their psychological sense only emerges after one or more other senses have become established in the written language (secondary psychological words). To use a distinction made famous by Ebbinghaus, secondary psychological words have both a past and a history in psychology, while primary psychological words only have a history. Secondary psychological words have more connections to other words and occur more frequently in PsycINFO than do primary psychological words. For secondary psychological words, it is possible to trace a process of metaphoric polysemy that provides a basis for the eventual occurrence of the psychological sense of a word. Some primary psychological words are now developing secondary, nonpsychological senses, showing that they are subject to the same metaphoric process as are any other words.

Dicionários Clássicos como Assunto , Psicolinguística/história , Semântica , Terminologia como Assunto , Vocabulário , Bibliometria , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Humanos
Rio de Janeiro; Nova Fronteira; 3. ed; 2001. 748 p. tab.
Monografia em Português | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-935140
Madrid; Editorial Espasa-Calpe; 21 ed; 1992. 1513 p.
Monografia em Espanhol | PAHO | ID: pah-15515
Springfield, Mass; Merriam-Webster; 1986. 2662 p.
Monografia em Inglês | PAHO | ID: pah-13473
Rio de Janeiro; Nova Fronteira; 2 ed; 1986. 1838 p.
Monografia em Português | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: lil-268679